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Rose Lemonade Crystals


Handmade personalised crystal bracelets

Rose Lemonade Crystals joy, love and mama crystal braceletsRose Lemonade Crystals joy, love and mama crystal braceletsRose Lemonade Crystals happy and love personalised crystal braceletsRose Lemonade Crystals happy personalised rose quartz braceletRose Lemonade Crystals personalised love green aventurine bracelet
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Who we are

Rose Lemonade is a collection of beautiful crystal bracelets.

Each bracelet is handmade and can be personalised with a special name, date or word to remind you to stay present and mindful.

Each crystal has a different meaning – from opening your heart to providing clarity of thought. They can be worn every day and make a perfect gift.

Contact Rose Lemonade Crystals

Located in Essex