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Rose & Hen

Stamford Bridge, York

Rose & Hen create original linocut prints with a modern yet classic feel, featuring nature, botanical themes and the Yorkshire Countryside.

Rose & HenRose & HenRoseandhen cozy cabin linocut printA card of the Little Shambles York in grey and indigoA pink lino printed wooden baubles cutoutrose and hen, bee print, limited edition linocut bee printYork Minster Greetings Card, Rose Window, Minstergates, Carrie Lyall, RoseandHen
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Who we are

In the heart of the village of Stamford Bridge, between historic York and the rolling beauty of The Wolds, Carrie works in her studio to create beautifully detailed linocut prints featuring nature, botanical themes and the Yorkshire countryside. It is such a beautiful location with a wealth of inspiration all within walking distance of her house. Each linocut is hand carved onto lino and printed using Hawthorn Printmakers oil based inks. In her shop you will find prints and cards featuring wildlife, insects, botanical prints and of course views of Yorkshire and local landmarks.

Carrie’s shop is an amalgamation of her kids names, Evie Rose and Henry. Evie gave Hen his nick name when he was a baby and it’s stuck, so of course it had to be Rose & Hen, designs in print.

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Contact Rose & Hen

Located in Stamford Bridge, York