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Resplendent Aurora

Milton Keynes

Personalised laser-engraved wooden gifts, nerdy keepsakes, and unique cards—crafted with love and a touch of geeky charm!

Laser-engraved wooden wedding cake stand featuring a personalised couple's name and date, with a heart design.Laser-engraved wooden wedding cake stand featuring a personalised couple's name and date, with a heart design.Laser-engraved wooden travel keepsake box featuring a personalised name and suitcase stamp design.Laser-engraved wooden wedding cake stand featuring a personalised couple's name and date, with a heart design.Laser-engraved wooden wedding post box featuring a personalised couple's name and date, with custom venue design.Laser-engraved wooden wedding pen set featuring a personalised name and date, for gifts for groomsmen.Laser-engraved walnut ring box featuring a personalised couple's name and date, with a wedding ring design.Illustrated birthday card with a birthday cake on fire, and the message "this is why you don't use fireball to light birthday candles" DnD Birthday CardLaser-engraved A5 sketchbook featuring a personalised name and message, with a custom pet image design.
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Who we are

Hi, I’m Clare—the designer, maker, and all-around creative force behind Resplendent Aurora! I’ve always loved bringing ideas to life, whether through intricate engravings, hand-drawn illustrations, or totally custom designs. What started as a creative outlet has grown into a small business where I get to combine my passion for personalised gifts with my love of all things geeky (yes, I’m a big D&D fan!). Every item I make is designed in-house, with a focus on quality, detail, and a little extra personality.

At Resplendent Aurora, I create laser-engraved wooden gifts for all occasions—whether it’s a heartfelt wedding keepsake, a personalised favour for your big day, or a quirky, nerdy treasure just for you. My designs range from elegant and sentimental to fun and playful, so whatever your style, there’s something special waiting to be made! I also love working on custom pieces, so if you have an idea in mind, I’m always happy to chat.

One of the best parts of running my business is meeting people at craft fairs! I love hearing about your celebrations, talking through creative ideas, and seeing my designs find their perfect home. But if you can’t make it to a fair, don’t worry—you can find all my awesome goodies online too!

Whether you’re planning a wedding, searching for a unique gift, or just treating yourself to something special, I’d love to help create something truly meaningful for you.

Contact Resplendent Aurora

Located in Milton Keynes