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Quirky and joyful pebble art for football fans, rugby fans and designs for all occasions!

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Who we are

Hi, I’m Jordan and I’m the designer behind Pebbled. I left my career as a teacher to become a full time ‘Pebbler’ and have never been so happy to do what I love!

I create unique pebble art to make you smile. I have designs for all occasions, family designs and sports teams. I have over 60 football team designs that I’m continuously adding to and have a growing number of rugby teams.

All scarves are handmade by myself in my little garden studio.

To keep up to date with what’s happening, why not follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Each weekend you will find us at 2/3 markets, I love seeing my artwork making people giggle and meeting new people. Come along and say hi!

Contact Pebbled

Located in Manchester