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Paper Ink Alchemy


Botanical artist creating art and scuptures from paper, ink and a little bit of magic.

A variety of moon and moth themed papercuts, watercolours, paper sculptures, and embroideryBespoke paper portrait featuring a girl with pink hair holding flowersFolk style flower papercut wall artMoth sculpture, paper entomologytree hand cut from white paper framed in a glass and plated silver diamond shaped necklace
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Who we are

Hello, I’m Lottie, an artist and designer based in rural Worcestershire.

I play with paint and papercutting and I am very much inspired by the natural world. You’ll find lots of mountains, trees and moons in my work.

I paint with a variety of mediums, gouache, acrylic and watercolour. As well as creating designs by hand using good old fashioned pencil and paper, that I then cut away with scalpels to leave the design. Papercutting is an intricate and time consuming artwork but incredibly rewarding and effective.

I work mostly with tree free eco papers – these are papers which are made from more sustainable resources such as bamboo, cotton and algae. I also like to use out of date and damaged vintage maps and books in my pieces, adding colour, and giving the materials a new lease of life and saving them from landfill.

My other job : is also run under Paper Ink Alchemy brand – I paint bridal wedding jackets, incorportating the brides choice of flowers and words to make a truely unique piece for the special day.

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Located in Worcester