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Panda and Me

Fairlie (Largs)

Eco friendly products designed to instil confidence and wellbeing, encourage positive mental health to children of all ages

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Who we are

Panda and Me design positivity products designed to help instil confidence in children and to encourage positive mental health and wellbeing

We have a wide range of products aimed towards helping anxiety, confidence, mindfulness, structure and wellbeing. These include:

Activity Kits (art, crafts, beading and nature)
Activity Books (mindful and positive affirmation colouring)
Prints (positive affirmations)
Stationery (weekly planners, daily reflections pads, affirmation pencils, notebooks)
Affirmation bracelets
Fun Affirmation stickers and temporary tattoos)

All of the products are made from eco friendly materials and use sustainable manufacturing practices. The idea behind this is that the physical products mirror the mental health message that we should start protecting our environment and surroundings alongside our mental health from an early age.

All materials used are eco friendly including biodegradable and recycled packaging, badges and bracelets made from FSC certified wood, badges made from corn starch that are 100% biodegradable, all card and paper is recycled and recyclable and textiles made from recycled organic cotton and textile mill remnants.

Contact Panda and Me

Located in Fairlie (Largs)