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Nightshade Arte


Welcome to Nightshade Arte, where art and magic intertwine. Delve into a realm of British flora and fauna, painted with enchantment.

Nightshade Arte, Crow bathed in PinkNightshade Arte, Crow bathed in PinkNightshade Arte, Autumn GreenmanNightshade Arte, Peacock Jumping Spider on tombstoneNightshade Arte, Staffy dog portrait commission on woodsliceNightshade Arte, Alnwick Poison Garden Portal on canvasNightshade Arte, Coffin Lid Raven
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Who we are

Nightshade Arte is my creative haven, where I weave the enchanting tapestry of British flora and fauna into my art. With a touch of witchcraft and folklore, my paintings serve as mystical gateways for those who seek to explore the magical realms. Through my work, I aim to provide viewers with a portal to unleash their imagination and delve into the secrets hidden within nature’s embrace.

Contact Nightshade Arte

Located in Liverpool