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Nicki’s Aromatics


Natural home fragrances using essential oils that helps you to embrace self-care.

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Who we are

Founded on the belief that everyone needs a little aromatherapy in their lives, Nicki’s Aromatics creates a range of natural candles, room and linen sprays, wax melts, and yoga mat sprays using only essential oils for fragrance. Our products are crafted with premium aromatherapy essential oil blends and ingredients that are natural, organic, vegan, and cruelty-free.

At Nicki’s Aromatics, we’re passionate about more than just beautiful scents. We believe in the power of self-care and its role in fostering a healthier lifestyle. Our mission is to help you create a calming environment that nurtures mindfulness and well-being in your daily life.

In today’s fast-paced world, we understand the importance of taking moments for yourself. That’s why our product range is carefully designed to support your journey towards balance and tranquillity. Whether through the soothing flicker of our candles, the refreshing mist of our sprays, or the gentle fragrance of our wax melts, we provide tools for relaxation and rejuvenation.

We’re committed to using only the highest quality, natural ingredients in our products. This ensures that you can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy without worrying about harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances.

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Contact Nicki’s Aromatics

Located in Glasgow