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Mountain & Molehill


Quirky and witty animal based homeware.

Foxes LampshadeFoxes LampshadeHedgehog LampshadeParrot lampshadeChristmas Tree decorations collectionA1 Animal Alphabet printDodo and palm lampshadeHand Gilded Paperweights, owl, dodo, frog princeRobin lampshade
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Who we are

I source antique animal etchings which I edit and collage to create contemporary designs. I am best known for my lampshades, which are more than just appealing lighting as they are real statement in a room. All of my work is produced with a story in mind and a desire to raise a smile. The mix of old illustrations with the stylish monochrome designs means that they are equally suited to a classic home or a modern flat, making them an excellent choice for most tastes.

Contact Mountain & Molehill

Located in London