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Morgan + Wells Leather


Morgan + Wells handcraft British, luxury leather goods in good old Yorkshire.

Morgan + Wells leather barrel bag, PedddleMorgan + Wells leather barrel bag, PedddleMorgan + Wells, Heidi leather purse clutch, PedddleBerry Bliss leather purse | Morgan + WellsMorgan + Wells handstitched leather beltMorgan + Wells Meet the Maker, PedddleMorgan + Wells handstitched leather tote bagMorgan + Wells leather card holder walletMorgan + Wells leather Martha purse, Pedddle
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Who we are

At Morgan + Wells, we bring together the timeless appeal of leather gifts with the precision of traditional saddlery techniques. Each piece is lovingly handcrafted in our York studio, where we blend modern design with old-world craftsmanship. Every gift we create is designed to last a lifetime, ensuring it will be treasured for years to come. No machines are used here, ensuring each item is a truly artisanal creation.

As a family-run business, we take pride in creating leather goods that not only age beautifully but also celebrate the rich heritage of Yorkshire craftsmanship. Whether it’s a stylish wallet, a personalised key holder, a custom leather notebook cover, or a bespoke bag, our creations showcase the perfect fusion of durability and quality in this new era where craftsmanship, sustainability, and individuality matter more than ever.

Each item is made with hand-selected leather, chosen specifically to suit its unique purpose. From individually placed rivets to meticulous hand-stitching, our dedication to quality shines through in every detail. We’re so confident in the durability of our stitching that we offer a lifetime guarantee.

Looking for something truly special? We offer custom commissions to help bring your ideas to life. Whether it’s a thoughtful anniversary gift, a personalised leather accessory, or a unique keepsake, we’re here to create something as unique as your story.

Get in touch at [email protected] to discuss your design.

Our personalised leather gifts are perfect for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to graduations and corporate events. We offer complimentary gift wrapping to make your present even more memorable. For those seeking timeless, meaningful, and eco-conscious gifts, Morgan + Wells provides a unique, handcrafted experience with swift and seamless service.

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Contact Morgan + Wells Leather

Located in York