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Mella’s Makings


Mella’s Makings create original & characterful handmade fabric items, including a wide range of pet & seasonal decorations, gifts & keepsakes.

Mella's Makings - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog Breed Keyring with Rainbow jumperMella's Makings - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog Breed Keyring with Rainbow jumperMella's Makings - You Are Flamazing Flamingo Hoop ArtMella's Makings - Dachshund Decorations - Dog Decorations with a jumper and a tutu with hair bowMella's Makings - Black and White Cat Decoration with scarfMella's Makings - Sunflower Hoop ArtMella's Makings - Poodle Dog Breed Decoration - BlackMella's Makings - Poodle Dog Breed Decoration - BlackMella's Makings - Corgi Dog Breed Christmas Decoration with Santa hat and Christmas jumper
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Who we are

Mella’s Makings create original & characterful handmade fabric items, including a wide range of pet & seasonal decorations, gifts & keepsakes. My products are made from quality cotton, felt & glitter fabrics – hand drawn, hand cut & machine stitched with the utmost care & attention to detail.

Contact Mella’s Makings

Located in Lancaster