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Original Linocut Prints

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Who we are

Hello, my name is Alex and I am an artist and printmaker based in Hove on the South Coast. I create original lino prints inspired by the natural world and the mystery of humankind. My prints are all originals and are printed by me in my studio.

I create a range of linocut prints from limited editions and complex reduction prints, to small open edition prints and greetings cards. There is something for every budget as it is important to me that owning original art is accessible to all you art lovers out there.

In 2025 I’m going to be out and about a lots of markets and open houses around Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and Kent so hopefully I’ll get to meet lots of you face to face.

If you can’t get to any of the markets (full details are on my website), then please do take a look at my Folksy shop online.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my prints.


Contact MegaLilyDesign

Located in Hove