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Marshmallow & S’more


Marshmallow & S’more is an artisan, small batch confectionery producer. A range of flavours made with love, and no artificial flavours or colourings.

Marshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, PedddleMarshmallows & S'more, Pedddle
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Who we are

Based in rural Staffordshire, Marshmallow & S’more produces delicious handmade confectionary: fluffy gourmet marshmallows, in a wide range of flavours; crumbly Scottish Tablet, in traditional and not-so-traditional flavours; unique and very moorish S’more cookie cups, Cookie Dough Balls; Caramallows and other seasonal goodies such as Bonfire Toffee and an Adults only range of ‘Very Boozy’ fudge.

Available at local Artisan markets, my products are also ideal as wedding or party favours.

Contact Marshmallow & S’more

Located in Staffordshire