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Mandy Benton Printmaker

Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands

Mandy Benton Printmaker creates hand burnished lino prints inspired by the garden and the seasons, frequently incorporating areas of pertinent text.

Mandy Benton Printmaker - 'Grandma's Wise Words'. A two block linocut print featuring pink roses, green cursive text and a message of optimism and positivity. Printed onto a beautiful handmade Japanese paper.Mandy Benton Printmaker - 'Grandma's Wise Words'. A two block linocut print featuring pink roses, green cursive text and a message of optimism and positivity. Printed onto a beautiful handmade Japanese paper.Mandy Benton Printmaker - 'Winter Warmer', Linocut Print. A small single block linocut print in black ink on a beautiful handmade Japanese paper. The print depicts a cosy scene with a wood burning stove and a steaming hot mug of drink.Mandy Benton Printmaker - 'Glad all Over' (detail), Linocut Print. A joyful celebration of our stunning gladioli in full bloom, printed in a purple ink with cursive text onto a beautiful handmade Nepalese paper.Mandy Benton Printmaker - Editioning 'September in the Garden'. Linocut print in black ink on a beautiful handmade saffron coloured Nepalese paper.
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Who we are

Mandy Benton Printmaker is a West Midlands based teacher and printmaker.

Although I occasionally create stitched pieces, it is linocut printmaking that dominates my work. I love the almost meditative process of carving and the boldness of a single block print on a beautiful handmade paper.

Each of my pieces is made by hand, by me and begins with my own sketches and templates. Whether working in print, stitch or a combination, my inspirations remain the same – I am hugely inspired by the natural world and its changing seasons and by the people around me, with text frequently playing an integral part in my work.

Contact Mandy Benton Printmaker

Located in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands