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Mama’s Beeswax


Handmade quality beeswax products, from healthy honeybees in Surrey.

Handmade soap with beeswax by Mama's BeeswaxHandmade soap with beeswax by Mama's BeeswaxJars of Mama's Honey from SurreyHandmade lip butter with beeswax by Mama's BeeswaxHandmade soap and paw balm with beeswax for your dog by Mama's Beeswaxhand poured beeswax candles, shaped as traditional skep hive by mamas beeswaxtraditional beeswax furniture polish hand made by mamas beeswax
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Who we are

Mama’s Beeswax is a small eco-conscious Beekeeping business.

Honey, beeswax candles, soaps, balms, skincare items, polishes and beeswax wraps are all hand-made in Surrey.

When you recycle or compost the packaging and plant the labels you complete the circle and support a beekeeper and several hundred thousand bees and other pollinating insects.

Contact Mama’s Beeswax

Located in Epsom