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Colourful, carefree + original art with a touch of playfulness, women’s liberation, daydreams and everyday life.

Duck butts print, luce epsDuck butts print, luce epsA6 women print, Luce.epsDuck butts, bookmark, luce epsFlower duck bookmark, Luce.epsWomen print bookmark, Luce.epsWomen print, Luce.epsluce.eps, eps, luce, duck art, cute art, fun art, humour, duck capsDuck mug, Luce.eps
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Who we are

I love creating original and colourful art pieces influenced by my heritage, women’s liberation, daydreams and everyday life.

Find us in the following shops

  • The crafters emporium, oxford
  • The crafters emporium, faringdon

Contact Luce.eps

Located in Oxford