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Lu Cornish

Newquay, Cornwall

Art and things from the wild North Coast of Cornwall

Lu Cornish, Contemporary Feminist ArtLu Cornish, Contemporary Feminist ArtLu Cornish, Into The Ocean I Go To Loose My Mind and Find My SoulLu Cornish, Wild Swimming Sketch IllustrationLu Cornish, Mermaid Whimsical ArtLu Cornish, Ocean Inspired Greetings CardsLu Cornish, whimsy and sass, wild swimming stickers
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Who we are

Hey, I’m Lu! I create colourful and whimsical illustrations with a retro flare on the wild Cornish coast. Eco conscious, ethical & plastic free packaging.

A mental health crisis forced me to reevaluate the important things things in my life. I quit my job, jumped in the sea, picked up a pencil and started to draw for the first time in over a decade. A riot of emotion, colour and love was born.

I am inspired by finding a connection to nature, water, mental health, female empowerment and my home county of Cornwall. I hope that something in my work speaks to the wildness in you and maybe even makes you smile.

Always stay wild,

Lu Cornish

Follow Me @lu.cornish on insta for behind the scenes wildness, coastal living, sea dipping, smiles, heartaches and a healthy dollop of weirdness.

Contact Lu Cornish

Located in Newquay, Cornwall