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Little Shop of Lathers


Handmade natural bath and body products, made with love in Yorkshire to provide a little slice of attainable luxury and time out to treat yourself.

Handmade mini bath bombs, 20 per bag, mixed flavours inspired by retro sweets. Made by Little Shop of LathersHandmade mini bath bombs, 20 per bag, mixed flavours inspired by retro sweets. Made by Little Shop of LathersHandmade Goat's Milk soaps made with the traditional cold pressed method and containing Essential Oils in different scentsFrosty the Snowman Bath BombBreak out the Bubbly Lip BalmPina Colada Happy Hour letterbox gift setTwinkle Toes Foot Soak
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Who we are

Hello! I’m Claire, married to Mark, human to four delightful cats.

I set up LSOL in May 2012 after becoming quite ill and being unable to return to full time employment. LSOL is my passion; I adore what I do and love being able to use my Complementary therapist and Aromatherapist training to provide beautiful, natural, pampering bath and body treatments which are chemical and preservative free.

Made using traditional methods from our home kitchen, my bath and body treats allow you luxury Spa treatments without leaving your home (and the expensive price tag that goes along with!) In my opinion there’s nothing more relaxing and soothing than taking even 10 minutes out of a busy day to take a soak in the tub and watch those troubles disappear with the bubbles 🙂 In this day and age we’re all so busy juggling so many balls in the air that we often forget to look after ourselves; hopefully Little Shop of Lathers goodies can help with that just a tiny bit!

Claire x

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Contact Little Shop of Lathers

Located in Leeds