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Little Pricks


Homegrown cacti, succulents and houseplants in unique and quirky planters.

Little pricks stall - Emma Founder holding a cute face planterLittle pricks stall - Emma Founder holding a cute face planterLittle pricks planters display skulls and one off plantersSERVING A CUSTOMER ON A STALL
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Who we are

We love producing our own beautiful and unusual plants and displaying them in unique and quirky planters, ready to give as a gift or to treat yourself.

We don’t just brighten up your home but help create a more sustainable earth for everyone at the same time. We try to reuse and recycle as much as we can.

We are more than happy to help with plant selection and general advice. We’re here to help your plants thrive.

Find us in the following shops

  • Genevieve’s
  • Grouch Coffee

Contact Little Pricks

Located in Warwickshire