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Eco-Conscious artist based in West Yorkshire, Specialising in relief printing.

LDMDesign- Original Linocut printsLDMDesign- Original Linocut printsLDMDesign- Passiflora Caerulea in rust and blackLDMDesign- Plant Lyn card rangeLDMDesign- Sea life card rangeLDMDesign- Sea life original Linocut printsLDMDesign- Poppy & Daisy original Linocut printLDMDesign-Can never have too many plants!
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Who we are

Hello I’m Lucy the indie business owner of LDMDesign based in West Yorkshire. I call myself an eco-conscious artist because I consider the environment in every step of my business.

I focus my work on Lino cut carvings that are inspired by nature, each one Hand-printed with an earthy colour palette that I then developed into ethical, function focus and joyful products.

I make designs that create conversations around sustainability and promote an eco way of living. The nature of lino and the unique effect it creates is alluring and charismatic, each piece original in its own way. 

I sell a range of products including my original Linocut prints, cards, candles, enamel mugs, FairTrade & Organic tote bags, tea towels and T-shirts.

Contact LDMDesign

Located in Huddersfield