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Laurel Tree Pottery


A ceramicist with a fondness for the whimsical side of life.

laurel tree pottery ceramicslaurel tree pottery ceramicsTrinket Dish with Rabbit and Mushroom Design, made using black clay and white glaze. By Laurel Tree Potterytiny ceramic village made by Laurel Tree Pottery, featuring tiny houses and treesRainbow Ceramic Gnome by Laurel Tree Potterystarry night ceramic candle holder with embossed stars design, made by Laurel Tree PotteryTiny Clay House with Tiny Trees Village Scene made by Laurel Tree PotteryThere are always flowers for those who want to see them, handmade ceramic art piece by Laurel Tree Pottery
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Who we are

Hello! My name is Laura. I have been making ceramics for around 7 years.
I love the whimsical fun and colourful side of life and this is reflected in my work.
Each ceramic piece I make is original and due to the handmade nature no two are identical, which adds to the charm of each piece.

Contact Laurel Tree Pottery

Located in Ruislip