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Laser Bones


Laser Bones makes a range of laser cut jewellery only ever from sustainable wood and acrylic.
Created in Sheffield, Laser Bones is open for commission

Laser Bones Untitled GooseLaser Bones Custom PetsLaser Bones Monstera EarringsLaser Bones Mini Monstera HoopsLaser Bones rainbow heart hoopsLaser Bones Untitled GooseLaser Bones Toadstool EarringsLaser Bones Custom dog portrait
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Who we are

Hi, welcome to Laser Bones’ Pedddle page!

Laser Bones creates unique jewellery and home accessories from sustainable, FSC certified wood and 100% recycled acrylic.

Laser Bones is constantly bringing out new designs and ideas, as well as being open for commissions.
Get in touch with any ideas that you have. Pets always welcome!

Contact Laser Bones

Located in Sheffield