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July Studio Creations


Dainty, joyful clay jewellery that sparks conversations & reminds sensitive souls they deserve to take up space ❤️

Blue and white floral blue china clay dangle earrings with a hook finding, July Studio CreationsBlue and white floral blue china clay dangle earrings with a hook finding, July Studio CreationsBlue and white floral blue china clay dangle earrings with a ball stud finding, July Studio CreationsLong blue and white floral blue china clay dangle earrings, July Studio CreationsFaux emerald marble clay earrings with gold chain dangle, July Studio CreationsWhite petal cluster clay earrings with ball stud finding, July Studio CreationsDark blue marble clay earrings in a shell shape with gold sparkles, July Studio CreationsDark blue marble clay earrings in a shell shape with gold sparkles and ball stud findings, July Studio CreationsWooden arch earrings display with a variety of clay earrings on display, July Studio Creations
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Who we are

July Studio’s jewellery is designed for sensitive souls like mine, as a reminder that you don’t have to hide or shrink away.

Growing up, I was always the shy, quiet girl – reserved, often blending into the background, fearful of judgement, and anxious about what others thought of me. Over time, I learned to slowly break free from those insecurities, and now, I aspire to help others do the same through my jewellery.

I founded July Studio in 2020 as a small side hobby, and today, it has blossomed into a growing small business that’s close to my heart.

Each piece of clay jewellery is thoughtfully crafted, serving as a beautiful conversation starter – something I’ve often needed to help me step out of my shell.

You deserve to take up space in this world, and my hope is that every piece you wear encourages you to do just that.

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Follow my journey on Instagram at @julystudiocreations

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Contact July Studio Creations

Located in Poulton-le-Fylde