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Jo Brown

Seaford, East Sussex

Fun colourful stationery prints and textiles to add joy to your home.

lots of printed cards with fun illustrations laid in a grid patternlots of printed cards with fun illustrations laid in a grid patternfive printed tea towels with different designs, by Jo Brown, folded and tied with paper tape and tags.a pale t-shirt printed with dog illustrations, on top of a dark fabric with similar print in light colourOverhead view of Prints and badges by Jo Brown laid out on a paint marked wooden surfacea screen print hanging on a pink wall, featuring illustrations of dogs faces with hats and glasses by Jo Browna jumble of button badges by Jo Brown- featuring illustrations of tomatoes, cats, lions and wordslots of small illustrated riso prints of cars and clouds and chickens by Jo BrownLoveCats Screenprint by Jo Brown
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Who we are

I am an illustrator with my own range of joyful printed cards, stationery, screen prints, badges, stickers, t-shirts, tea towels and cushions.
My designs are full of colour, pattern and cute characters. I only produce small amounts of each design so my range is constantly changing.

Find us in the following shops

  • Bags of Books Lewes

Contact Jo Brown

Located in Seaford, East Sussex