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It Started With a Stitch


Craft Queen, embroidery lover and shop keeper – based in Grimsby and partner in crime to The Dandy Introvert

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Who we are

Helping people inject some colour into their lives with ranges of things you can have in your home, or wear. Greys and beiges have never featured too much in the things that we create and so you’ll tend to find lots of colour and sparkle.

Based in Grimsby, we have a colourful little shop and workspace where we sell our products, along with crafting supplies and some items, by other indie makers. It’s also the home of our Craft Workshops, including Crochet, Embroidery, Patchwork, Macramé, Sewcials and the ever popular Pompom Parties.

ISWAS is also where The Dandy Introvert hangs out and creates his wares too so you can also shop his ranges of handmade jewellery, clothing, homewares and crafting accessories.

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Contact It Started With a Stitch

Located in Grimsby