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Ilex Home


Ilex Home is a sustainable jesmonite homeware brand that sells handmade dopamine decor.

Two navy blue and beige terrazzo arched bookends either side of a group of books. By Ilex HomeTwo navy blue and beige terrazzo arched bookends either side of a group of books. By Ilex HomeA large oval navy blue and white marble effect trinket tray, holding a pair of glasses and a plant pot. By Ilex HomeA rectangular black trinket tray with white terrazzo chips in it. The tray is holding a grey and white ring holder with rings on it, and a pair of glasses. By Ilex HomeA blue and white houseplant pot with a pilea plant - By Ilex Home
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Who we are

At Ilex Home, I create handmade home decor using jesmonite, designing colourful, functional art pieces that add both beauty and purpose to your space. Each item is a one-of-a-kind design, with no two pieces ever the same, due to the organic nature of my marble and terrazzo effects. I like to think of my work as dopamine decor—functional pieces that reflect your personality.

Based at Globe Arts Studio in Slaithwaite, Ilex Home is part of the thriving local art community in Yorkshire, with creative hubs like Holmfirth, Leeds, and Sheffield nearby, where talented makers and artists contribute to a rich, inspiring scene.

Since launching Ilex Home in 2021, I’ve been committed to sustainable business practices. Any offcuts or imperfect pieces are repurposed into larger projects, ensuring minimal waste. I also source my materials from small, independent businesses whenever possible, supporting the local economy. My creations are designed to be long-lasting—none of that fast-deco, throwaway trend nonsense!

I also take custom orders, working with customers to create bespoke home accessories that fit their unique colour schemes and design visions. If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind terrazzo or marble-effect piece, let’s chat!

Get in touch with Ilex Home using the contact form below.

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Located in Slaithwaite