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Hook & Heddle

Llantwit Major

Hook & Heddle creates beautiful scarves and home accessories, each unique and timeless, using natural fibres.

Cotton Table Runner in a sunny yellow and steel grey, the patter called Log Cabin produces an interesting 3D effect. By Hook & HeddleCotton Table Runner in a sunny yellow and steel grey, the patter called Log Cabin produces an interesting 3D effect. By Hook & HeddleWoven wrap in wine red and blue colours with a pattern that results in it being predominantly blue on the reverse By Hook & HeddleA blue-grey scarf in Pima cotton By Hook & HeddleA crochet shawl in blue, cream and coffee colours By Hook & HeddleA selection of woven and crochet makes By Hook & HeddleA purple, blue and cream scarf of 100% cotton in a plaid style By Hook & HeddleAn open wooden box displaying a selection of brightly coloured key fobs By Hook & HeddleA wool and cotton scarf in blues, peach and white colours with a delicate texture in alternate blocks By Hook & Heddle
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Who we are

Hook & Heddle is my passion, I am a handweaver and crocheter with a passion for creating beautiful and functional pieces using natural fibres such as wool and cotton. My craft mainly involves working on both a rigid heddle loom and an 8 shaft loom, which allows me to create a wide range of textures and patterns in my work.

One of my favourite things about handweaving is the opportunity to experiment with different colour combinations and textures to create unique pieces that reflect my personal style. I take great care in selecting high-quality materials that not only look beautiful but also feel soft and comfortable to the touch.

When it comes to my work here at Hook & Heddle, I specialise in creating scarves and home accessories that are not only beautiful but also functional. I believe that the items we use in our daily lives should be both practical and aesthetically pleasing, and I strive to achieve this balance in every piece I create.

Working with natural fibres such as wool and cotton is important to me not only because of their beauty and durability but also because of their sustainability. I am committed to using materials that are environmentally friendly and ethically sourced, and I take great care to minimize waste and reduce my carbon footprint in my work.

Whether I am working on a handwoven or crochet scarf, shawl, or a home accessory such as a table runner or a throw pillow, I am always inspired by the beauty and versatility of natural fibres. Through my craft, I hope to share my love of handweaving and crochet with others and to create pieces that bring joy and beauty into people’s lives here at Hook & Heddle.

Contact Hook & Heddle

Located in Llantwit Major