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Honey & Wilde


Mindfully Made Jewellery by Honey & Wilde.

Honey & Wilde Teardrop earrings - by OliviaHoney & Wilde Teardrop earrings - by OliviaHoney & Wilde Jewellery - PedddleHoney & Wilde
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Who we are

Hi. I’m Olivia – designer/maker and the face behind Honey & Wilde.

My story has always involved creativity and in 2020 I set out to learn a new creative process – Silversmithing. Since then, I have taught myself to saw and solder, pickle and polish, plus every step in between.

Using recycled metals & responsibly sourced materials, I create delicate jewellery pieces that blend natural organic textures with minimalist shapes. The process of silversmithing has allowed me to not only express myself artistically, but also to explore new techniques and push my creative boundaries. All my jewellery is made by hand and, I hope, it will be enjoyed and cherished anywhere life takes you.

Originally from Staffordshire/Worcestershire, I now live in a little village in Derbyshire with my husband James and two cheeky cats, Nova & Mabel.

Contact Honey & Wilde

Located in Derby