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Natural wood materials and stylish modern pieces for your home.

HamiltonHomewood, at home marketHamiltonHomewood, at home marketHamiltonHomewood, bath caddyHamiltonHomewood, bath caddyHamiltonHomewood, small oak bread boardHamiltonHomewood, at home marketHamiltonHomewood, at home market
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Who we are

I’m passionate about natural wood materials and creating stylish modern pieces for your home.

Having found a love for woodwork and creating pieces for my own home, I was forever coming up with new ideas about things I could create. My Grandfather had created amazing woodwork during my childhood and he recently gifted me some tools and my workshop has really come together. I began to create pieces for friends and family and from there, HamiltonHomewood was born.

With 2020 being a year of change I have thrown myself into creating more pieces and exploring more products during lockdown. I have spent time refining these products and now excited to share in this marketplace as well as my Etsy shop. Not all of the items shown on my stall are listed on my Etsy page, but don’t worry, if you want to enquire please feel free to get in touch and have a chat! 👍

Please do not hesitate to chat to me regarding the products, creating bespoke pieces or personalisations, I would be happy to help.

Contact HamiltonHomewood

Located in Reading