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Northwich, Cheshire

Delicious halloumi fries made to order at markets and events throughout the North West of England.

fries Halloumination, Pedddlefries Halloumination, Pedddlefries 2 Halloumination, PedddleCucumber Halloumination, PedddleDelicious fries Halloumination, PedddleSummer fries Halloumination, PedddleSignage Halloumination, PedddlePortion Halloumination, PedddleCheeky Halloumination, Pedddle
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Who we are

Halloumination serve delicious halloumi fries made to order at markets and events throughout the North West of England.

Halloumination make their fries using 100% authentic Cypriot halloumi cheese, serving them with a tasty range of sauces that ensure no matter what the taste buds desire, no one is left dissapointed.

If you have any questions or would like to book us for that extra something different at your event, we would love to hear from you!

Contact Halloumination

Located in Northwich, Cheshire