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Garry Magee Ceramics


Pottery that is both functional and beautiful to look at

Garry Magee Ceramics collection of cupsGarry Magee Ceramics collection of cupsGarry Magee Ceramics BowlGarry Magee Ceramics, YunomiGarry Magee Ceramics, YunomiGarry Magee Ceramics, Pair of Green bowlsGarry Magee Ceramics, Shino BowlGarry Magee Ceramics, Ramen BowlGarry Magee Ceramics, Medium size Bowl
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Who we are

I am basically self-taught but have attended master classes with some fantastic potters in England and Japan. I’ve exhibited my work in fairs across the UK and have been commissioned by clients across the world, most recently Paris and Tokyo.

I work from my studio in West London, where I create bowls, vases, mugs and cups using thrown stoneware clay, fired in an electric kiln. I strive to make pots that are enjoyable to use in daily life and that are beautiful to look at.

I hope you enjoy looking through my work.

Contact Garry Magee Ceramics

Located in London