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Fay Dixon Design

Stafford, Staffordshire

Fay is known for her cheeky Greeting Cards, which often cause an eruption of giggles from many shoppers.

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Who we are

Fay Dixon designs fun Greeting Cards, Prints and Gifts. There are usually two sides to her setup, the ‘nice’ side and the ‘naughty’ side, with most shoppers choosing the ‘naughty’ side, cue the eruptions of giggles from many shoppers.

Along with Greeting Cards and Prints, Fay also makes Custom Badges, Mirrors and Nail Decals. Look out for her Hen Party and Sleepover Packages soon.

Now based in Stafford, this Yorkshire lass has been designing card from an early age and she started her first business in 2014. After graduating Staffordshire University with a degree in Web Design and taking up a job in Advertising, she then decided she wanted a side-hustle to be more creative in her spare time.

You can buy online on the website below, or find her at the next market.

Contact Fay Dixon Design

Located in Stafford, Staffordshire