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Oakamoor, Staffordshire

All you need is a coil of wire, a pair of pliers and your imagination.

Fantasy Wire, PedddleFantasy Wire, PedddleFantasy Wire Ltd, PedddleFantasy Wire Ltd, PedddleFantasy Wire Ltd, PedddleFantasy Wire, PedddleFantasy Wire, PedddleFantasy Wire, Fairy Modelling kit. Pedddle
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Who we are

We are a family business that make and sell Fantasy related wire/metal pieces of art and products.

The whole concept came from my Father Robin, who created and sculpts the wire fairies sculptures. You may have seen some of his sculptures at Trentham Gardens in Staffordshire. It was while mending a fence that the idea of wire as a sculptural medium came about. Wire is perfect for the amateur sculptor as it doesn’t require any welding or special processes, and is virtually limitless in what you can produce. It’s like metal clay. All you need is a coil of wire, a pair of pliers and your imagination.

We also make and sell a variety of craft products and gift ideas, just check out our online shop to see more.

“Fairies invoke thoughts of fantasy. They help you escape the real world for a moment and are generally associated with good things. Fairies are nice. I make wire fairies because I love the whole creative process of designing and building something nice and delicate from hard industrial materials.”

“There is no greater feeling of satisfaction than to stand back and say to yourself “I made that” and be proud of it. The technical term for it is “personal agency” and it’s sadly lacking in the modern world of vicarious living. It’s so rewarding as an artist to be able to share what I do and how I do it with the world.”

– Robin Wight

Contact FantasyWire

Located in Oakamoor, Staffordshire