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Emma Philippa Maeve


Work that is inspired by being a flaneuse taking inspiration from landscapes for the products by Emma Philippa Maeve. Artist, Designer and Traveller.

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Who we are

Emma Philippa Maeve is a professional visual artist who has been working with architectural patterns since 2018. Emma has spent a lot of time travelling and living abroad, predominately in China. By taking notes and drawing during her travels, her work represents the cultural and diverse changes in China and abroad. Her art and textile designs are inspired by the most natural and scenic architectural visions in South East Asia.

Looking at architectural patterns represented by various countries and a deep understanding of what we can save and destroy as a human society and by the view of what they can represent through colour and pattern.

The development of Emma’s work is then created onto prints and merchandise that has been made and produced solely in the UK by using small businesses and by using digital technology to print onto fabrics such as velvets, silks, linens and cottons, inspired by an abstract approach of watercolour, paint, embroidery and drawing.

Contact Emma Philippa Maeve

Located in Bath