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Ellie Cartildge Design


Ellie Cartildge Design creates illustrated prints, greeting cards, stationery and hand painted ceramic gifts.

A selection of hand painted floral trinket dishes with text 'rings & things' on them.A selection of hand painted floral trinket dishes with text 'rings & things' on them.Ellie Cartildge Design creates Two watercolour floral bookmarks from Ellie Cartlidge Design shown saving the pages in two booksPersonalised hand painted ceramic christmas baubles in red and green floral designs by Ellie Cartlidge DesignSunflower print with bumble bee on a grey background, shown in a white frame by Ellie Cartlidge DesignEllie Cartlidge Design multi-coloured floral A5 birthday card with matching envelopeRecyclable Christmas Penguin Gift Wrap shown with gold ribbon by Ellie Cartlidge Design
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Who we are

Hello! I’m Ellie and I run Ellie Cartlidge Design from my home in North Staffordshire. Set up from my bedroom after losing my job as a surface pattern designer in 2020, my business has really grown into something I adore. My product range has really expanded over this time and you can now shop illustrated prints, greeting cards, stationery products and even hand painted ceramic gifts. You can expect lots of colour, pattern and fun across my whole product range, we don’t do boring around here!

You can also keep up to date with me on social media – @elliecartlidgedesign

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Contact Ellie Cartildge Design

Located in Kidsgrove