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Dried Flower Art


Drawing inspiration from nature, I create 3D dried flower art by entwining and embroidering dried flowers on tulle.

dried flower art Stringlia flower dried flower artwork in an oval frame on a green backgrounddried flower art Stringlia flower dried flower artwork in an oval frame on a green backgrounddried flower art A black and antique gold rectangular frame contains an oval mount and peacock artwork on a textured golden backgrounddried flower art Wispy allium heads and orange pyracantha berries resemble the flames of a firedried flower art Dried eucalyptus leaves and allium stems woven with gold thread in the shape of a peacock plumedried flower art Dried flowers in many coloursdried flower art Rodanthe flowers in a spiral shape in a square frame casting a shadow on the wall behindTwigs and fallen leaves entwined
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Who we are

I harvest flowers, leaves, stems, berries and seed heads throughout the year. These are then dried and prepared—separating each section or flower, trimming excess, thinning stems, and removing any rough edges or gnarly bits that would tear the fabric. Tulle fabric is stretched within a double layer frame and the flora is woven, stitched and stuck to create the final piece. Each piece is designed to be viewed up close to appreciate the detail and composite elements, and also from further away to appreciate how the parts come together to form a whole.

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Located in Doncaster