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Dove Woodturnery

Ashbourne, Derbyshire

Creating unique pieces from native & exotic wood. My items include Bowls, Trinket Boxes, Bottle Openers – a gift that always comes in handy & more…

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Who we are

Having worked with stone until my retirement, I decided to have a go at wood turning, and what started as a hobby is now turned into a small craft business.

Each piece I make is unique due to the nature of the material, I work with native wood such as Oak and Yew to the more exotic such as Zebrano, Pink Ivory and Tiger Wood, not the golfer, although that is another passion of mine.

As every wood turner does, you start by creating a bowl or vase and focus on these while the skills develop and now I am creating more detailed pieces, the latest items being a Speaker, Salt and Pepper grinders and Salt Shakers and experimenting with different finishes to the wood. Over the next couple of months I am also looking to work with resin and crayons – you will have to follow my social media to see how this develops.

Please follow my Facebook and Instagram pages to view the products and exciting developments we have planned.
The website is currently under development and will be live soon, keep checking but updates will be posted on social media.

Any questions you may have please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for reading and don’ forget to say “Hello” if you see me at the markets.

Contact Dove Woodturnery

Located in Ashbourne, Derbyshire