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Deryn Wen Gifts


Deryn Wen Gifts (formally Elle’s Handmade Gifts) was a business born from the desire to sell high quality but affordable skin care and home gifts!

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Who we are

We are an Indie business based in North Wales, that makes a variety of Handmade Gifts, including cosmetics, decorative homeware and crochet crafts! We even recently joined the Guild of Craft Soap and Toiletry Makers early March 2021! As well as our own Products, we are starting to source gifts from other UK makers and Independent Wholesalers.

We have a passion for creating individualistic gifts that we would be happy to send as gifts ourselves. We strive for quality and a fair price.

In a world full of huge online stores, Amazon and Convenience before Quality, the importance of Shopping Small and Supporting Local businesses from around the UK is more important than ever! Every single product that we sell has either been produced by us with care and quality as a first thought, or sourced from the UK.

This includes a variety of Ceramic Tea Light Wax Warmers, Soap Dishes, Eco-Friendly Hygiene Products and More!

We also have some Set Gift Boxes but please contact us to create bespoke gifts for that special person!

Contact Deryn Wen Gifts

Located in Llanuwchllyn