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Nature inspired linocuts and woodcuts, intricately carved handprinted artwork for mindful people, helping you to create a calming sanctuary at home.

Small artwork on shelf featuring thoughts are not facts quote in green botanicalsSmall artwork on shelf featuring thoughts are not facts quote in green botanicalsJapanese Mokuhanga woodcut of a chrysanthyum with yellow and green bokashi background.Large linocut artwork titled gaia, featuring a female sitting cross legged surrounded by plants and flowersbreathe reduction linocut print. portrait in nature, framed in hallway. contemporary decor.Curiousinkyme - Print fair stall set up with a table full of lino cut artworks. nature and floral.Monochrome figurative linocut print artwork. portraits in nature Diptych on pink wall. black framesPice of linocut with a portrait in the process of being carved alongside linocut tools and chippings.Colourful linocut artwork framed in kitchen featuring a female in profile surrounded by nature.
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Who we are


I’m Clare (aka Curiousinkyme) I have been printmaking in the East Midlands for over 20 years and have a background in Fine art. I am passionate about creating affordable, original artwork that can empower and inspire.

Elements from many printmaking processes have come together to influence my linocut style. I create limited edition artworks combining the figure and nature. Rich oil-based colour works in harmony with thin Japanese paper, the prints are fragile yet strong; and surprisingly tactile. I love to leave evidence of the process of the artwork’s creation, marks of carved lino create life and energy.

I am deeply interested in being present and living with curiosity, I make art that celebrates our humanity while reminding us to reconnect with nature and go with the flow so we can better deal with uncertainty.

I believe that filling our homes with beautiful artwork can remind us to slow down and embrace the present moment.

Contact Curiousinkyme

Located in Nottingham