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Creative Pickle


Creative Pickle creates unique and bespoke alphabet prints, gifts, craft sets and sustainable party bags for young ones.

Giraffe wooden decoration craft set with paints and brush by Creative PickleSustainable party bay set by Creative PickleFront of emotion flash cards showing expressions by Creative Pickle
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Who we are

I lovingly create educational resources that parents can encourage their children to learn with whilst also spending precious time with them. My products range from flash cards to wall art, but they all have one thing in common…they are all designed with love.

My aim is to create products that inspire children to engage with something new, discover their imaginations, and learn about the world around them. I am inspired by how my products can nurture children’s minds. This is a fantastic feeling for me and one I want you, as parents, to experience too. There is not enough imagination in the world anymore, and I’d love to change that. Creative Pickle isn’t focused on structured learning; it’s about building something engaging and fun that also improves your child’s development… hence my streamline “Engage, Imagine and Learn”.

Contact Creative Pickle

Located in Reigate