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Arts & Crafts activities and workshops.

Craftykidz, PedddleCraft kits for adultsCraftykidz, PedddleCraft kits for adults
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Who we are

Craftykidz provides Arts & Crafts activities to enable fun,learning, creativity & development. We offer a wide range of arts & crafts activities, workshops and projects using all manner of mix media in a range of venues from Home, Schools, Organisations, Gazebos, Fairs & Markets and organised events to suit all children young and not so young people of all abilities.

Please contact me, Julie, for more information on having a creative workshop.

Craftykidz has had to pivot in 2020/2021 to create craft kits that can be sent out in the post. As all of the after school clubs are shut for the foreseeable future our Craftykits have taken over.

Contact Craftykidz

Located in Staffordshire