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Clay and Jewel Ltd


Uniquely designed, lightweight, high quality UK handmade polymer clay earrings, jewellery & accessories, including non-metal Hypoallergenic earrings.

Clay and Jewels polymer clay jewellery market displayClay and Jewels polymer clay jewellery market displayPolymer clay earrings and rings in bright bold pinks, blues and purpleangel purple stud and ring on model clay and jewelclay and jewels artisan stall in parbold with the artisan networkClay and Jewels artisan stall in wilmslowClay and jewel Earth speckle earrings on modelClay and Jewel Autumn Polymer Clay earring and ring range
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Who we are

Hey! Im Lindsey, Clay and Jewel was started as a hobby, making handmade polymer clay jewellery and earrings out of joy. Handcrafting beautifully detailed and high quality statement jewellery using my unique style and eye for detail. I am also a freelance professional graphic designer and photographer and loves all things creative. I have two amazing and beautiful children and two wacky bichon frise dogs.

I specialise in creating unique and beautiful jewellery pieces using high-quality polymer clay. My focus is on crafting jewellery that is not only visually stunning but is also hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and free from metals.

I understand that wearing jewellery should be a joyful and comfortable experience, which is why I take great care in selecting my materials. My polymer clay designs, with plastic stud posts and rubber backs are a safe and non-toxic alternative to traditional metal jewellery, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. I use only high-quality, non-toxic materials to ensure that our products are safe for everyone to wear. Any of my gold and silver plated jewellery are made from Nickel and Lead free Stainless steel.

I believe that jewellery should be an expression of your individuality and personality. That’s why I work hard to create pieces that are as unique as our customers as well as ensuring that everyone can wear them, free from pain and discomfort and saving your bank balance at the same time!

On my social media accounts, I share lots of videos of my latest makes and the process videos that we all find so soothing and calming to watch, so please feel free to go give those a follow. I also run a regular £50 voucher competition for those that sign up to my mailing list where you will receive updates on new product releases, stall locations, exclusive discounts and competition winners announcements etc.

You can also shop direct from my website if you cannot get to one of my stall locations, I offer FREE shipping on any orders over £30 too.

I am super grateful to all of my new and repeat customers and their lovely words on my reviews with Trustpilot too. It means soo much to me that you all take the time to come and support me and my business.

See you at my next stall for your C L A Y + J E W E L fix!

Lindsey xx

Contact Clay and Jewel Ltd

Located in Manchester