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Butterfly & Bear


Welcome to Butterfly & Bear.

Personalised inscription ring by Butterfly & BearPersonalised inscription ring by Butterfly & BearAmir bracelet, sterling silver double satellite heart bracelet
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Who we are

Hello everyone!

I created Butterfly & Bear in August 2020 during the height of the pandemic.
Originally a hobby and named after a poem my late mother once read to me as a child.

I work from my home studio based on the outskirts of Bristol, in the south Gloucestershire countryside.

All of my jewellery is created using high quality eco friendly (where possible) materials. Namely 925 sterling silver, 9ct/14k gold and rose gold filled. Gold filled jewellery is not the same as gold plated jewellery; it’s created using a dense layer of genuine 14k gold, bonded to a base metal, meaning it doesn’t wear like plated jewellery and can be worn daily without worry.

I also now create some pieces in solid 9ct gold/rose gold.

Thank you for visiting!

Lisa-Jayne xx

Contact Butterfly & Bear

Located in Bristol