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Brass and Bold

East London E11 UK

I’m Elsa Gomez, the designer and maker of brass+bold.
Distinctive and wearable brass jewellery, all handmade in East London.

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Who we are

I’m Elsa Gomez the designer and maker of brass+bold.

Distinctive and wearable brass jewellery all handmade in East London.

brass+bold began by tentatively selling one-off pieces in a few boutiques and cafes around London. The positive feedback and the great response I had to my jewellery developed into a loyal following when I started selling at designer maker markets. This encouraged me to expand my collection which has grown and at last made its way to one collective place on this website.

I am very excited about it!

I have always been a creative person enjoying visual arts, screen printing, product design and architecture. I love simplicity and honest materials.

Originally from Spain, I worked for ten years in London as a freelance portrait photographer but then found an unrivalled boost to my creative desire in brass+bold.

I think that elements of my personality are passed on through these pieces and that you will enjoy wearing my jewellery as much as I love making and creating it!

Contact Brass and Bold

Located in East London E11 UK