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Bilberry & Wright


Bilberry & Wright offer beautifully handmade notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, original prints and cards.

Bilberry and Wright, notebooks and printsBilberry and Wright, notebooks and printsBilberry and Wright, Sketchbook spinesBilberry and Wright, Houseplant on a shelf printBilberry and Wright, Notebook trioBilberry and Wright, Fuschia and floral journalsBilberry and Wright, Blackthorn printBilberry and Wright, Anniversary cardBilberry and Wright, Spiral bound notebooks
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Who we are

Hi, I’m Catherine the Designer, Printer and Maker behind Bilberry & Wright

If you are in the market for original handmade notebooks, prints and cards made with care, dedication and love, this is the place for you!

Bookbinding and making journals it something that combines papercraft with sewing so it is something I find very methodical and I can while away hours in my studio in Cambridgeshire, stitching up a book or sketchbook for a client. I love creating different book formats, choosing papers, covers and ribbons, they vary from month to month.

I also love linocut printmaking and all it entails, with all my original work based on the nature I see around me, I like to combine techniques too, printing paper for use in bookbinding as well as printing greetings cards.

I want to be as friendly to the planet as I can be, so I source the most suitable packaging, recycled and plastic free materials as can.

Hopefully I will see some of you at some of the markets coming up in East Anglia, but if you can’t make it there, then do have a look at my Folksy or Etsy shops online.

Contact Bilberry & Wright

Located in Cambridge