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For my illustrations I use bold colours, playfulness, cultural references & spice to bring joy. I also create bespoke portraits of people and pets!

BeiCreative, Sweet Caffeine in blue illustrated art printBeiCreative, Sweet Caffeine in blue illustrated art printBeiCreative, Plantain and foodie illustrated art printsBeiCreative, Bespoke illustrated portraits of people and pets, art printsBeiCreative, Supermalt, foodie illustrated art printsBeiCreative, Dumplings and Asian cuisine, foodie illustrated art prints
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Who we are

When it gives you walls, deck them with colourful art!

I’m a freelance self-taught illustrator and graphic designer and founder of BeiCreative. My artwork is influenced and inspired by a combination of my British-Ghanaian heritage, African and pop culture, art house quirk, a sprinkle of nostalgia and Sankofa*. I use bold colours, playfulness, cultural references & spice to bring joy through my art.

Passionate about the environment, my artwork is printed using luxurious quality, sustainably sourced fine art paper, and I ensure my art, supply chain and work processes are eco-friendly and carbon-neutral.

*Sankofa: A word in the Twi language of Ghana meaning “to retrieve”. Simply put: to know where you are going, you must understand the past.

Find us in the following shops

  • Wellcome Collection

Contact BeiCreative

Located in Nottingham