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Audra’s Brooches make the perfect accessory for you and a wonderful gift for them. I source antique and vintage brooches from all over the world.

Vintage Bird BroochImage of Audra of Audra's BroochesVintage broochesVintage cameo brooch drop from bow.Vintage leopard broochVintage Brooches.Vintage rose and pearl brooch
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Who we are

Audra’s Brooches make the perfect accessory for you and a wonderful gift for them. I source antique and vintage brooches from all over the world including designer brands such as Monet, Trifari and Sarah Coventry.

I sell my brooches online as well as at exclusive London markets.

In 2021, Audra’s Brooches was voted one of the top 25 Online Ateliers by Homes & Antiques magazine for jewellery and silver. In 2022, Audra’s Brooches won Best Antique & Vintage Jewellery Retailer – London from LUXlife Magazine’s inaugural Perfect Gift Awards programme.

My brooches have been featured in editorial content for British, Japanese, German and Scandinavian Vogue, Perazim, and L’Officiel Vietnam magazines.

My brooches are frequently requested by stylists for their clients’ red carpet ensembles, such the 2023 GQ Man of the Year and the Brit Awards and Alan Carr, host of the 2024 Royal Variety Show.

I am a regular trader at Canopy Market, King’s Cross N1C as well as Clerkenwell Vintage Fair and Frock Me! . I have accepted invitations to showcase my vintage brooches at the American Embassy Christmas Fair and the Red Cross Christmas Fair held at the London Guildhall. I also join vintage dealers in Henley.


Located in LONDON, UK