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Anna Pearson Metalsmith


Colourful metallic art and gifts alongside sterling silver jewellery.

Cheery CloudCheery CloudPuddle Earring SelectionCold enamelled silver necklaces made by AP MetalsmithBowie Art by Anna Pearson MetalsmithSterling silver with cold enamel, Anna Pearson MetalsmithRecent commissions by AP MetalsmithWedding anniversary heart by Anna Pearson Metalsmith
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Who we are

Anna Pearson Metalsmith focuses mainly on creating artwork and gifts made from copper and pewter, while working in sterling silver and cold enamel to create unique items of jewellery.

Colour is an important part of Anna’s life and she tries to incorporate it into as much of her designs as possible!

Anna is always happy to discuss commissions and personalisation to add that extra special touch to her work.

Contact Anna Pearson Metalsmith

Located in Chelmsford