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Designer and illustrator from Leeds – tits and tats!
Colour and whimsical characters make the world that tiny bit better.

amesillustrates, best sellers, illustrationsamesillustrates, best sellers, illustrationsamesillustrates, character design, valentine's dayamesillustrates, illustration, body positive, woman with tattoos
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Who we are

Amy is an illustrator and character designer based in Leeds.
She enjoys nothing more that creating colourful characters we can all relate to.
The recurring theme of her work is often self-care, mental health and women related but portrayed in a light-hearted and positive way to make people smile.
She loves a good caption and is very straight to the point (that must be the Yorkshire in her).
Just think tits and tats and hairy legs and you can’t go wrong. Pink, lilac and orange are her go-to colours.

Contact amesillustrates

Located in Leeds