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Milton Keynes

Lifestyle brand with African-inspired homeware, children’s, and baby items, blending tradition with modern style.

An African-inspired heart-shaped pot holder featuring vibrant colors and intricate patterns, ideal for adding a touch of culture and style to your kitchen decor. The pot holder is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, showcasing traditional African design elements and providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal.An African-inspired heart-shaped pot holder featuring vibrant colors and intricate patterns, ideal for adding a touch of culture and style to your kitchen decor. The pot holder is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, showcasing traditional African design elements and providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal.An African-inspired heart-shaped pot holder featuring vibrant colors and intricate patterns, ideal for adding a touch of culture and style to your kitchen decor. The pot holder is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, showcasing traditional African design elements and providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal.
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Who we are

Amayi is a lifestyle brand that sells a range of products from homeware, children and baby items such as carriers utilising African or African inspired prints and Fabrics. All items are hand made and of high quality.

Contact Amayi

Located in Milton Keynes